Monday, February 13, 2012

Work Outs

Lately I've been a lot more health conscious. Early last year I weighed in at 200 pounds. For a guy that barely stands at 5' 7", that's not a healthy weight. Over the summer I was tasked out to do a support mission for the Cadets at West Point, New York. I had a lot of down time while I was there so I decided to try and lose at least 10 pounds. I was 195 at the time and managed to drop down to  175 by the time I got back home. Not too shabby. The amazing part is that I wasn't killing myself at the gym for hours on end. I changed up my diet and the types of workouts that I was accustomed to in the past. First off, I cut back on eating grains. No breads, pasta, rice or anything grain based. Well, almost no breads. I increased my fruit and vegetable intake as well as proteins. So my diet consisted of meat, fruits and vegetables and very few breads. Sometimes those are almost impossible to avoid especially if you're not in charge of the menu. My workouts went from 1 to 2 hours at the gym lifting weights and running on a treadmill to 45 minutes of body weight exercises as well as weight lifting done in circuit. Within two and a half months I dropped 20 pounds. I've continued doing different circuit training routines and slacked on the diet part. I now teeter between 170-175 pounds. I'm in better shape now than I was when I got out of basic training. I'm in my 30s and I can run faster than I did when I was a young soldier straight out of training. The best part is that I didn't have to spend hours at the gym or workout 6 days out of the week. Between 30 to 45 minutes a day and I would workout 3 to 5 times a week. It all depended on my mood. Some of these workouts you can do at home with no equipment. Good for those of you who can't afford gym memberships or have the time to waste traveling back and forth from the gym.  If you're curious what workouts I did to achieve my weight loss and get in the best shape I've ever been, just scroll down. I've listed a few of them.

This workout consists of 8 different exercises done in circuit. Do 4 sets of this with 60 seconds of rest between sets.

60 Jumping Jacks

20 Spiderman pushups

20 Walking Lunges

20 Spiderman Climbs  (10 per side)

20 Body Weight Squats

20 Mountain Climbers

5 Burpees

50 High Knees (25 per leg)

That's it! You're done for the day. It's a great full body workout and great cardio. Trust me, once you get to the last three exercises, you're gonna be winded.

Here is another one. Its a bit shorter than the last one. For this workout you'll need a pull up bar. Same rules apply. 4 sets done in circuit. 60 seconds rest between sets. If 4 sets isn't enough, you can always do more.

60 Jumping Jacks

10 Pushups

10 Lunges per leg

10 Burpees

10 Pullups

Here is another workout that I came across. It might not look like much at first but this one can be a bitch. It's called Cindy. This one is done a bit different than the others. This is a time based exercise. Do all three exercises in circuit and rest 10 seconds after each set. Do as many rounds as possible for 20 minutes. You'll need a pull up bar for this workout.

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Body Weight Squats

I've used this workout as a warm up. I called it a "Half Cindy". Do this workout for 10 minutes instead of 20 and then I went out and ran 4 miles. Have fun.

Here is one for the gym. Circuit training is tough to do at a traditional gym. I say that because it's usually packed with a bunch of meat heads who hog up equipment and make love to themselves in the mirror for hours on end. I like to get in there, knock out my workout and GTFO.

Same circuit training rules here. 3 sets in circuit, 60 seconds rest between sets.

10 Weighted Barbell Squats

10 Military Press

10 Dead Lifts

10 Upright Rows

Best thing to do here is to get all your gear set up prior to working out so you can go from one exercise to the next without stopping. Remember, you don't want to go for your max weight here. You want moderate weight or else you're gonna burn yourself out quick and you won't be able to complete your sets.

I'll post more workouts later. These should be a good start for those of you that want to spend less time working out but still want results. Keep in mind that I'm not some health guru, nor am I claiming to be a professional fitness instructor. I'm just talking about the workouts that I did to help me lose weight and get fit. If you don't know what the exercises are, feel free to ask. I'll do my best to answer questions and explain them. Feel free to research the exercises as well to make sure you're doing them correctly as to not cause any unwanted injuries.

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