Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fogged Sunrise

Fogged Sunrise

Day 26...
Pulled into my driveway after PT this morning. Windows were fogged up. Looked out to my left before getting out of the car and thought "That should make a good HDR shot." So here it is. Final product. Enjoy.
Seems that most of my shots might be some type of Sunrise or Sunset. Those are the times that I will be either on my way to work or leaving work. Those will be the times I'll have my camera handy and probably have more opportunities to spot something interesting.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


GTi Sunrise

Day 25
Yesterday I had nothing so I made sure to make it up today. Got released from PT early today. Luckily wifey was around the corner and had her camera with her. I drove her to this spot just in time to catch the last bit of the sunrise. Wish I had got there a few minutes sooner cuz it was a lot more colorful. Overall I think I managed to capture the moment.... BTW, What do cameras and condoms have in common?... They both capture the moment!! ;) Ba-zing!!



Sorry. Got nothing today. Busy day. Didn't have time to take any photos and had no ideas. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.



Day 23
No ideas today. This is one of my flashes I use. I can remotely trigger them to fire with the cameras onboard flash. Pretty cool.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011



Day 21...
My supervisor was nice enough to let me off of work today because I have to work all weekend. Two 14 hour days ahead of me. Then continue through all of next week. Fun! I'm gonna miss out on the UFC fights on Ft. Hood this weekend too. Sucks!!

So, I had some time on my hands today. Took the boy out driving so he can have some more practice under his belt before the driving test. As we were driving I spotted these rusted old trailers. I had him stop so the wife and I could take some photos. I figured it would be a good subject for her dept of field project she's doing in her Photography class.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Asian Lanterns

Asian Lanterns

Day 20
At a loss of ideas today. It's only day twenty. This might be a little tougher than I though. It didn't help that it was a long day at work but it could have been worse.
Temperature dropped like crazy. At 0630 it was 57 degrees and by 0645 while doing our warm up exercises it dropped down to 40 and continued getting colder as the day went by. After work we tried to grill some steaks but since I have a gas grill, that didn't work out. The propane froze. Dinner was still cooked and tasted great. Then my buddies and the wife watched the Roast of Flava Flave. Most definitely the best one I've seen so far. So the night came to a close and I looked out to the patio and decided to take a quick shot of the lanterns. I've taken photos like this before so I don't feel its a completely new shot.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dig Dug

Dig Dug

The Nineteenth.
0430 in the morning. Driving to work. One of the last lights before I drive on post to start my work day. Took this with my phone. After editing I realized the green traffic lights looked like the eyes of the Dig Dug character.
Sorry. That's all I got for today. I figured I should take a picture early because I already knew I would be too tired by the end of the day to try and do anything creative after work. Tomorrow might be another cell phone pic as well. I'm looking at a 14 hour day minimum tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day Eighteen


Day Eighteen.
Not much to say. Back in the Dfac (aka Dining Facility). Back to wearing the all white uniform and working the weekends. Back to counting down my days. 1yr, 8 weeks, 5 days,12 hours, 1 min, 9..8..7..6 sec



My name is Planters Nvts.
So today I decided to change my Gamertag on XBox. It cost me 10 bucks to do it too. What a rip off. It used to be "A Br0wn aYe". Aye pronounced like "eye" Over time it lost its humor since most people read it as "A" and didn't get it. The pun being, "You were killed by a brown eye","you were pummeled by a brown eye" or "you beat down a brown eye". Halo players get the joke.
Now my new name is "Planters Nvts" The V in place of the U. Got that idea from a scene in this classic movie.
If you can't tell; that's not a screenshot. I took a picture of my TV screen. Yeah, I know my choice for names might seem a bit childish, considering that I'm a 32 year old man. Oh well. I might grow up sometime soon......Maybe not.

Sunday, January 16, 2011



Did absolutely nothing today. Woke up really late cuz I spent last night drinking, got sick right after I went to bed. Serves me right for mixing beer, wine and I think I had some liquor.

So back to today. Did nothing. Wife and I set up a NetFlix account on my Xbox and watched movies all day. Didn't even have an idea of what i was gonna do for today's photo. So I took a screen shot of my NetFlix app for my phone.

Saturday, January 15, 2011



Fifteen of Three Sixty Five
Tonight was date night with my lady. Kids were at their aunties house and the wife and I went out to a movie and dinner. The Dilemma. Eh... It was OK I guess. It was cold and wet out but dinner and the company was good though.

Friday, January 14, 2011




Well, I tried today. Here on Ft. Hood we have a crossfit gym but in order to attend you have to take a Crossfit Foundations class where they teach you all the exercises. So, my buddy and I finally had time to try it out. We went to the gym to just to find out that the foundations class has been canceled until further notice, which means they don't have a clue when they are gonna start it back up. Great. That's the problem with programs that are run by the Army. They're undependable. They also picked the worst time to have this class. Mondays and Fridays at 11:00-1:00. Also you have to show up early in order to attend because they only accept 30 people at a time. Sorry, but some of us have work to do and those times are completely in convenient for soldiers that work and want to get involved in this fitness program.  If there is one thing you can count on with the Army is that you can't count on anything.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


LightRoom 3

Le' wife got Adobe LightRoom 3 in the mail today from her school. Since she had already bought it, not knowing she would be receiving it for free, I get to reap the benefits. It's about to get installed.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Party's Over

Party's Over

12 of 365
Back to work :( The good times are over. I had a good time on vacation and now it's back the grind. It was nice not having to worry about keeping track of peoples whereabouts, appointments, work schedules, marital status ( divorce in progress, domestic issues...etc) whether their insurance/registration for their vehicle is current, and their lack of problem solving for their own every day issues. It's ridiculous. For those of you who don't know what it's like to be in a leadership position in the Army: Welcome to my world. If that stuff sounds ridiculous to you, don't worry. I feel the same way. I really don't see how it's my responsibility to make sure that another grown adults auto insurance or registration is my responsibility but that's how the Army works. Accountability is everything in the Army. In certain situations it's understandable. But for the most part it's a pain. If a soldier has an appointment I have to know what time that troop is supposed to be there. Understandable. But for some reason it's my responsibility to make sure they remember what time to be there, make sure they make it on time, have them report when they are done and tell them what to do after that. Now if this soldier fails to make it to their appointment on time, it's my fault and I have to go see our supervisor and his supervisor and I get reprimanded for their actions. That soldier gets punished as well but the point being, I'm to blame for another persons actions. That's my life in the Army. So, after reading this you might come to the conclusion that I don't like my job. I don't just "not like it". I hate it. If this seems petty to Its just a small sample of the BS I deal with day in and day out. There is a lot more that goes with it. Its not just that.

I'm in the process of trying to change my job in the Army in hopes that it's better in that field of work. If I don't get this job change, I'm counting down the days. As it stands, as of today, I have 1 year, 9 weeks, 4 days, 15 hours, 26 minutes, 33, 32, 31 31.......seconds left until I am a free man and get to enjoy my freedom as a civilian. There is nothing more liberating than doing a job that you enjoy. I've been doing family portraits on the side. I have spent entire weekends working with clients and their portraits. To me that wasn't work. I enjoyed it and i love doing it. My goal, once I'm done with the Army is to be a full time photographer. As the saying goes, Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life. I can't wait to never work again.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011



11 of 365.
Packed up the 35mm lens and shipped it back today. It was supposed to go back yesterday but I didn't get a chance to drop it off. I liked it a lot and I might have to add it to the collection of lenses.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Check Please

Check Please

Ten of Three Six Five
Waiting for the waitress to come by and pick up the check so we could hurry up and get out of there. While we were eating we got a phone call from a friend of ours who got stranded at the airport. Her scheduled ride failed to show up and she was stuck without a way home after a 12 hour flight with her 4 year old daughter.



A La' Camel.
Nine of Three Six Five
These are painting that I bought during my first tour in Iraq. I went to a Bazaar at Camp Liberty. I spotted these paintings and thought they were really cool. I know I payed too much for them but i really liked the artwork. I liked the fact that it was a black velvet canvas painted in shades of orange and yellow.

8 of 365

Gettin' Tail

Yellow Tail that is.
8 of 365
Sittin' at home drinkin' a little Shiraz and watchin' movies with the wifey.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Day 7 of 365
Day 7 of 365

Went for a run today. Not a long one. This was my running gear. My Five Finger KSO's, iPhone with RunKeeper app, arm strap and Bose earbuds. The RunKeeper app keeps track of my speed, distance and time. Even shows a map of your route. Pretty cool. I prefer to run in my KSOs cuz I'm down with the minimalist running style.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Day 6 of 365

Been curious about this lens for a while so I decided to rent it. Just got here today. So for the next 4 days you will be seeing photos taken with this sucker. It's lightweight, got a wide aperture and seems pretty sharp so far. Should work great in low light situations. That lens hood though, doesn't seem like its gonna do much for blocking out lens flare but it should be OK for protecting the front of the lens from bumps. I definitely plan on doing some portraits with this.

Right now I'm debating between this and the Nikkor 50mm 1.8D. So I'll try this out first then try out the 50mm. Best part about both lenses is that they are pretty damn cheap. So if I can't choose between them I might just get them both.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Day 5 of 365

Day 1 of my diet. Why? Because today I tipped the scales at 200 lbs. Might not seem like much but for a guy that stands at 5' 7", that's a lot of weight. Granted I don't look like I weigh that much but for my height and age, it's not a healthy weight.

Looks like its fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains, lots of cardio and circuit training for this guy. I've been able to get myself in great shape before. I can do it again.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4 of 365

Day 4/365

Welcome home babe.

Wifey is now out of the hospital and back at home. Still in some pain though. Keeping food down, and no more nausea. Recovery will take a few weeks but all is looking good so far.

These are a some " get well soon " flowers that were waiting for her when she got home. Glad to see her friends care about her and are thinking about her.

Thanks for the support everybody.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3/365

Day 3/365

The Wife went in for surgery today. It was a quick and easy surgery. Only took about 40 minutes. Took this shot while she was sleeping in her recovery room. She is scheduled to leave the hospital tomorrow as long as she can keep food down.  The nausea from the meds made it difficult for her to keep anything down today. Hopefully things look better tomorrow.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Project 365

Day 2/365

These are my work horses. With these two I will hopefully achieve my goal of completing my 365 Project.

Project 365

Hello Photo Art fans!! So, yesterday I made a last minute decision to do a 356 day photo project. I have been thinking about doing this for a while but never went through with it due to my job. I'm not always home and don't always have access to the Internet. Deployments also tend to get in the way of doing the things I want to do. Nothing is ever certain in this job so its hard to plan ahead. Besides all that, I decided to go ahead and go through with the project. We will see how long I will be able to keep this project going.

The point of this project is to take a new photo every day for a whole year. Each photo different from the last. This will be a test of my creativity and hopefully help me grow as a photographer.

Wish me luck and I hope you all enjoy the photos.  As always critiques and comments are always welcome.

Champagne to start off the new year. Happy New Year everybody.

Day 1/365